The Public Assistance Investigators of Virginia (PAIV) is a private, non-profit organization consisting of statewide membership, of individuals with an interest in the state’s public assistance fraud control program in Virginia.
The Public Assistance Investigators of Virginia is established to assist investigators in their endeavors to prevent, detect and adjudicate public assistance fraud.
In 1990, Eileen Grant spearheaded a small group of investigators to found a statewide fraud organization which became The Public Assistance Investigators of Virginia (PAIV).
With Eileen as president for its first four years, PAIV began to successfully petition the Virginia Assembly to make fraud investigation a mandate program serving as the basis of the Fraud Reduction and Elimination Effort (Fraud Free).
As Virginia’s investigators we owe Eileen Grant a debt of gratitude for her vision, tireless work, and dedication to enhancing fraud prevention and detection and increasing our status as investigative professionals.
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